Awaiting results

This is my first attempt at a proper vlog since surgery - slightly slurred speech, an incorrect date but as always - honest and unfiltered!Following last week’s news which left us all feeling a little shell-shocked - I would say I was still coping remarkably well.  The funny boy and I have learned to keep looking to the future, making plans but equally important is we take pleasure in the ‘here and now’ and that is why everyday we find some form of enjoyment - be it time with the family, or making our favourite meal - it is a good way to remind us that life is good and there is always something to be thankful for. Today has been especially hard. I was scheduled to receive a phone call from my surgeon to discuss the pathology report which we originally were due to get last Wednesday. These results will ultimately tell us what type of tumour I have and therefore indicate whether I might still need chemo  or radiotherapy in the New year. As you can imagine my surgeon is a very busy man and between his many patients and a delay in the actual report arriving I am still yet to receive my results. The waiting is nothing short of exhausting. The ‘not knowing’ is simply draining but this is life with cancer.I am hopeful tomorrow will bring more news so I can update for FUCANCER FRIDAY!

As always #FUCANCER


Humble brag


Two steps forward, one step back