Ups & Downs

I frequently nag the Funny Boy for over-indulging in Sky Movies and Box Sets. He is a big fan of America's Next Top Model whereas I couldn't care less. I believe I could easily live without TV but, as he regularly reminds me, I am guilty of nurturing an addiction to social media. Anyone who follows my instagram will be all too familiar with pictures of Parsnip and I dare say anyone who is a friend on Facebook and Twitter will know what SITC stands for.For me social media is a necessary evil. It allows me to keep in touch with friends far and wide, it permits me to promote my fundraising plans and I am pretty sure it is how you (the person reading this now) has come to view my blog. It's all promotion of some sort, and like many others I am very guilty of only portraying the bits I like. Take the most recent Festive Season for example. You'll easily find the photo I shared of me on New Year's Eve when I'm dressed to the nines with a full face of make up but you will struggle to find the pic of me on Christmas Day when I was fighting the flu.When I started this blog four years ago I described it as being a 'brutally honest insight' to what life is like living with and beyond cancer.

Granted, I didn't think I would be dealing with a second diagnosis but the sentiment remains: I want to be honest.It has been six weeks since I was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Although I continue to be very open with my words - I have carefully selected when to 'vlog'. This has largely been dependant on when I have thought tentatively about what I want to share and timed to ensure I have mascara on and at least some decent lighting.It is all too easy to share the pictures when I am on top of the mountain or kayaking with a postcard-perfect view in the background but revealing the down days that #FUCANCER brings is a challenge. I don't need pity or sympathy, nor do I seek it. But I do want to provide insight so hopefully people can understand the emotional roller coaster cancer takes you on. More importantly, I want it to provide hope to others who are facing a challenge. Be it cancer, mental health or whatever. You are not alone.So the vlog below is exactly what I hoped my blog would be: 'brutally honest'! No make up, no notes, no agenda. Just exactly how I am feeling. A little scared, very vulnerable and unsure of what the future holds.





Just the two of us