Hockey Heather is BACK!

It has been over a year since my last entry and several years since I updated this space regularly. There have been a number of developments lately which has given me the inspiration to resurrect the blog if only for a little while.Following treatment I really struggled with pain in my pelvis and chronic fatigue. Completing the marathon in 2016 was not only a huge achievement but a big struggle. On crossing the finish line I found myself battling one infection after the other - a sign perhaps on maybe taking it on too soon. That being said I wouldn't change it for the world. It was an incredible experience. However, it did convince that returning to hockey was impossible. The prospect of training and weekly fixtures seemed out of reach.In Spring 2017, one year after completing the London Marathon, I noticed a change. The sluggish fatigue was beginning to subside and I found myself beginning to have more energy. Simple tasks which would assume my full effort were easier and slowly but surely I began to feel stronger! As summer rolled in and I was surrounded by my extended hockey family at STICK IT TO CANCER* I decided that this was the time - the time to dust off my stick, re-mould my mouth-guard and get back on the pitch!Although I felt strong in body, it was now my mind which needed the encouragement. It had been nearly four years since I had played the game. Rules were different, the club I had once been a member of had a number of new faces and despite being 31 - the idea of being the new kid brought the usual anxieties! I can't remember myself ever being that nervous going to a training session - but I knew this would be the hardest part.To you, it may not seem like a big deal but for me this has been a huge step in my recovery! I am absolutely delighted to share that yesterday I completed my first full season back on the hockey pitch.  Rewind a couple of years I never thought this would be possible! Big shout out to the club for being so welcoming, my  team - the ESM Ladies 1s,  our coach Steve who's one piece of advice was always  'Enjoy it' and to Anna Kellner who texted me throughout the 3 years encouraging me to come back! Thanks for everything and bring on Hockey Season 2018/19! I can't wait - Hockey Heather is back!! *STICK IT TO CANCER is a fun, friendly, fancy dress 7s hockey festival raising funds in aid of the Maggie's Centre in Edinburgh.

For more information please click HERE and be sure to share with your extended hockey family!





SITC 2017: Together, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results