What to wear??

Muddy trainers with only 12 weeks til London. Bring on Spring #FUCancer

Today marks the end of Cervical Cancer Prevention Week but as one calendar month passes a new one begins which means it is only 12 weeks until the London Marathon.Training is going well. I won't bore you with the details but I can disclose that I now share something in common with Paula Radcliffe! Thankfully it wasn't on the roadside but I did find myself hiding amongst bare trees hoping to not be seen. I suppose it is a combination of bowels behaving badly and getting used to those long runs again! Fingers crossed its not a regular occurance!Anyway - back to the marathon. To aid with training I will be participating in Cancer Research's SnowFlake 10k Run. I got the opportunity to help with the promotion at the start of the year, the links of which can be found here. Since the article I have had my heart set on running the 10k and more importantly the marathon in fancy dress! Initially I thought it would be a great opportunity to dress as something to raise awareness of cervical cancer. After a quick google search it appeared that the logistics of dressing up as a cervix would be too complex - if not impossible!

Top Tip: do NOT Google cervix fancy dress!! So, if you have any suggestions as to what I can dress as for the London Marathon please let me know...

In the meantime if you would like to help beat cancer sooner please consider sponsoring me at the link Sponsor me now!



To Thrive

