"Getting cancer is like finding out Santa's not real!"

Us Brits are notoriously known for our impeccable manners. Sometimes our polite nature holds us back from certain topics of conversation! I am very open to discussion about my experience with cancer and its ongoing side affects yet I have had to endure some perplexing, crude and at times down right merciless comments. I thought I could share these for your own amusement or a lesson on what not to say to someone with cancer.Did you get to keep your cervix?I've not been in touch because I find the whole cancer thing awkward. Cervical? That's one of the good cancers. - There is NO GOOD CANCER!My mum had cancer but it sounds like hers was a lot worse.I've done loads of reading. What stage is your cancer at?What caused your cancer?Should you be eating that?You shouldn't eat sugar, sugar causes cancer... SUGAR IS KILLING YOU!Finding out you have cancer must be like finding out Santa isn't real. It turns your life upside down eh?(On the topic of infertility where I am surrounded by pregnant women) It's like when people talk about their tans. I can't get a tan and it drives me crazy when all people want to talk about is tanning.(In response to me struggling to think of a word) Oh my god! It's like that chemo cabbage brain thing - your brain cells are literally dead! Haha!(On the topic of me not being able to have kids) It's not that big a deal.It's great to see you back to normal. You look great, considering...You're going on holiday? You've just been off work for the best part of 6 months!I know what you're going through because I had to get a smear once. It was a nightmare!My brother's girlfriend's uncle's son is a doctor. He wants to know the name of your cancer.I was reading about your cancer online. Did you know....You must feel so lucky! That final quote is a bit of an oxymoron because I do feel lucky to be here. Lucky to be alive. However I also feel incredibly unlucky to have been dealt a hand which forced me to sacrifice fertility. In the same breath of it being a small price to pay for survival it is equally something I will never get over. But hopefully, in time, it is something I will come to terms with. But in response to a few people above:

My inability to have kids is not like being unable to take a tan and it is a big deal! F*ck sake!



Proud Auntie


Bowels Behaving Badly