Be a part of FUCancer…

Whether you participate, donate or volunteer — there are so many ways you can say #FUCANCER. Help us raise support cancer charities and encourage young adults to be cancer-aware.

The history of FUCancer

Initially FUCancer was an easy method of keeping friends and family updated on Heather’s progress with treatment and a polite way of telling cancer to fudge OFF! However, Heather met so many people touched with cancer that FUCancer has grown to mean Friends United against Cancer.


raised in aid of Maggie’s Cancer Centres


Stick It To Cancer
Hockey Festivals since 2016


Hockey playing heroes participate each year

Heather Duff

Heather was a cancer warrior who lived with cancer for 9 years, before she passed away in 2023. Heather was a great public speaker and dedicated fundraiser. Heather used her experience to support cancer charities and encourage young adults to be cancer-aware. Her husband Gordon is now organising Stick It To Cancer on her behalf.

Documenting a journey

We’ll be back in action 6th July 2024

Stick it to Cancer (SITC) is a fun, friendly, fancy dress hockey festival raising funds for the Maggie’s Cancer Centre in Edinburgh. We host an adult and junior tournament which is open to players of all abilities. Following the adult festival there is an epic after party for participants and their supporters where awards will be presented.

July 2019

First time I’d attended and played - great event, enjoyed the hockey but really liked that I was contributing to such a worthwhile cause.

Participant at Stick It To Cancer 

Get Involved!

There are plenty of ways you can support the work of FUCANCER. We are always looking for volunteers to support the running of our events and businesses who are in a position to donate. We would love to hear from you.

SITC 2024

Saturday 6th July — Stick It To Cancer Hockey Tournament

Volunteer opportunities

Register your interest in volunteering opportunities

Make a Donation

Donate towards Maggie’s Cancer Centre